Alexei Navalny’s Statement on the Recent Verdict

March 23, 2022

9 years in a maximum security prison.

“My space flight is taking a bit longer than expected — the ship is caught in a time loop.

It occurred to me that my role in this saga is similar to that guy from Interstellar.

If you remember, the main characters enter the station, after taking off from the planet where time flows several times faster. And they are greeted by a dude with a beard in a bathrobe who says: “I have been waiting for you for 23 years, 4 months and 8 days.”

I immediately dismissed this thought though. Firstly, I don’t have a beard or a robe. And secondly, it’s all nonsense. The numbers don’t matter. It’s just a sign above my bunk, that’s all. And neither I nor my comrades will simply “wait”.

As I said in my “last word”, we are not just continuing the operations of the Anti-Corruption Foundation, we are going to take them to a new level. The ACF will become a global international organization. And we really need you in it. Come on in:

The money part of the Sakharov Prize given to me by the European Parliament will be the first contribution to this fund. EU citizens, via their representatives, gave me this award for the fight against corruption. I am grateful and I’m allocating their money to continue this fight.

By the way, please note that they kept jamming my “last word” by interrupting the broadcast.

That’s understandable: words have power, Putin is afraid of the truth, I have always said that.

Fighting against censorship and bringing the truth to the people of Russia has remained our priority. The Kremlin smashes the media, and in response we create new ones.

On March 5, I presented to you the “Popular Politics” channel — and now it already has almost a million subscribers. Join us — together we will make the best media in Russia: 

I am very grateful to everyone for their support. And, guys, I want to say: the best support for me and other political prisoners is not sympathy and kind words, but actions. Any activity against the deceitful and thieving Putin’s regime. Any opposition to these war criminals.

In 2013, after hearing my first verdict, I wrote this and now I will repeat it: don’t be idle. This toad sitting on an oil pipe will not overthrow itself.

I hug and love everyone!"

The Anti-Corruption Foundation (EIN: 85-0774334) is a US registered 501(c)(3) private foundation. US donations are fully tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. Click here to view the registration details.