Nominal owners of corrupt assets are on the ACF 6,000 List

March 29, 2024

Putin's allies aided him in constructing a nation devoid of the rule of law and safeguards for property rights. However, this leaves their own ill-gotten gains constantly vulnerable to seizure. Thus, a deeply ingrained aspect of Russian corruption involves transferring stolen assets to figurehead owners, with close family members being highly favored for this role. Additionally, the pressure of sanctions compels a more meticulous concealment of corrupt funds.

This week, we've included relatives of prominent Russian corrupt figures on our 6,000 List. Actions must be taken against nominal owners aiding criminals in circumventing sanctions. We're committed to continuing our scrutiny of this group, adding them to our list as credible information about the transfer of corrupt assets comes to light.

In addition, we continue to update the list of Vladimir Putin's authorized representatives, and we have made some improvements to keep the 6,000 List up to date.

If you have any information about inaccuracies in our 6,000 List or believe that someone is or is not included there by mistake, please contact us at [email protected].

Any changes that have been made to the 6,000 List since the last update can be viewed here. We would also like to remind you that searching the list has become even more convenient with the "Sanctions Tracker" service.


The Anti-Corruption Foundation (EIN: 85-0774334) is a US registered 501(c)(3) private foundation. US donations are fully tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. Click here to view the registration details.