Carl Bildt joins the ACF Advisory board

December 12, 2022

Carl Bildt, a well-known European politician and diplomat, joined the Advisory board of the Anti-Corruption Foundation. 

Carl Bildt is Co-Chair of the European Council on Foreign Relations, member of the board of trustees of RAND Corporation, contributing columnist to Washington Post, as well as columnist for Project Syndicate.

He has served as both Prime Minister and Foreign Minister of Sweden. In March 2021, Mr  Bildt was appointed WHO Special Envoy for the Access to COVID-19 Tools  Accelerator (ACT-Accelerator).  

On behalf of the European Union and the UN, Carl Bildt has been involved in conflict resolution in the Balkans. He co-chaired the Dayton peace talks on Bosnia, which ended the civil war in the republic. He was also the first Special Envoy of the UN Secretary General to the region.

We thank Mr. Bildt for the trust that he placed in us. We are certain that his participation in the Advisory board will make the work of the Foundation even more effective and reputable. With Mr. Bildt's support, we will continue to fight the corrupt regime of Vladimir Putin, who is waging a criminal war in Ukraine and continues to destroy Russia. 


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The Anti-Corruption Foundation (EIN: 85-0774334) is a US registered 501(c)(3) private foundation. US donations are fully tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. Click here to view the registration details.