Putin's daughter Maria Vorontsova received 944 million rubles in three years as an employee and shareholder of the New Medical Company. The only customer of this firm is SOGAZ Medicine, which belongs to Putin's friend. This is stated in the ACF investigation.
She is an endocrinologist. This occupation brings her about 200,000 rubles a month. This is her official salary at the Moscow State University, the Russian Association of Endocrinologists, and the National Medical Research Center for Endocrinology of the Ministry of Health.
Her husband, Yevgeny Nagorny, works for Novatek, a company owned by Putin's friend Gennady Timchenko. His official salary is quite substantial - about 760,000 roubles a month. But even such a salary would not be enough for the young family to buy a 230-meter penthouse in the Barkli Gallery, one of the most expensive buildings in Moscow.
Vorontsova's present wealth is earned as a member of the board of directors of Nomeko, a company she founded in 2019. The company's website states that it deals with innovative technologies in medicine. The company has only five employees, but it earns hundreds of millions of rubles. In 2020, the company's net profit was 600 million rubles, in 2021 - 810 million rubles, and in 2022 - 855 million rubles. Vorontsova's salary in the company is 700 thousand rubles a month. In 2020, as a shareholder, she received 232 million rubles of dividends. Dividends in 2021 and 2022 were not revealed. But based on the profit data, Putin's daughter received 944 million rubles in the company in three years - in the form of salary and dividends.
Nomeko received all of its money from the SOGAZ Medicine clinic for some "services in information modeling of project implementation." In the past, the clinic was owned by Yuri Kovalchuk, Putin's closest associate. Now it is under the control of Nomeko's own employees.